Wednesday, August 26, 2009

NSCAA Soccer Journal Series: Player Development

In the May/June and July/August 2003 issues of Soccer Journal, we offered a special two-part series focusing on player development. As a service to NSCAA members and soccer coaches in general, has compiled the articles of that series into a special section. Please read the articles below.

"The biggest difference between the Brazilian players and the American players was that the Americans did not demonstrate any understanding of the subtleties of the game. And that affects what coaches do during every training session."

"Subtleties of any game usually are developed “in the sandlot” when the players are young. We all learned how to play sports as we grew up by playing with other kids in the neighborhood. We learned what we had to do to win. If you lost, your team was off the court or field."

Taken from LACKING SUBTLETY an article that can be found below.

* The Craft of Coaching
* Introduction and Phase I of Player Development (U-12)
* Phase II of Player Development (U-14)
* Phase III of Player Development (U-16)
* Phase IV of Player Development (U-19)
* Fitting Practices to Ages
* The Game is the Best Teacher
* Training with an Eye on Detail
* The Progression of a Goalkeeper
* Demands of the Up-Tempo Game
* Making Soccer Drills Work
* From Looking Good to Winning
* Lacking Subtlety
* In France, c'est la Technique
* Trim Down the Training Session

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